In summary, the EU legislation on RMI implicitly mandates the access to vehicle component data to be provided in a way that allows for their automatic processing and facilitates the identification of alternative spare parts by independent operators, so that they can continue to provide competitive products and services to multibrand and authorised repairers. Dass es sich lediglich um eine implizite Verpflichtung zur Bereitstellung in elektronisch weiterverarbeitbarer Form handelt, es jedoch an einer expliziten Regelung hierfür fehlt, räumt die Europäische Kommission andererseits in einem weiteren Schreiben vom 15. April 2015 ein (Az. GROW/G3/ES/ip - [2015] 1661999): Furthermore, in the absence of definitions of the terms "readily accessible" and "prompt manner", there is no explicit requirement in the EU Regulations that the OBD and the RMI should be provided by vehicle manufacturers in such a way that the data can be "automatically processed" by independent operators. |